Hello fellow auto enthusiasts,
Our Spring Roundup" will be held on the weekend after the long weekend, May 24th and 25th.
On Saturday the 24th we will be taking registrations at the Tourist Discovery Centre from 11 AM -3 PM: there will be a Lakers Poker Run 12-3 PM with $600 in prizes (free to all entrants). There will also be a cruise through the city, leaving the Discovery Centre at 4 PM, followed by dinner in the Pioneer Room upstairs at the Casino 5:30 PM.
The show and shine will be Sunday the 25th downtown. Entrance is at Oliver St. and 2nd Ave. Gates open at 8 AM, show starts at10 AM and we hope to have things wrapped up around 4 PM. There will be trophies for various categories and a $1,000 grand prise draw for all entrants.
Below is a registration form,which you can auto fill or print and return by mail. Payment can be made by e-transfer to lakerscarclubwl@gmail.com or cheque to the address on the form.
It should be another great show. We hope you can make it.
Matt Kennedy
Lakers Car Club
(250) 267-6772
You can fill in this form online. Click download and vola.
Editable - 29th Reg Form _2_ (pdf)
DownloadInformal meeting at the ArtsCentre (old fire hall)
Thursday March 27
Start time 7:00 PM (up stairs)
All friends of the Lakers Car Club are welcome to attend all meeting and functions.
Complete schedule under EVENT SCHEDULE
at the top of this page.
Check out our facebook page.
Member Registration form 2025 (docx)
DownloadMembers stopped in to the local SPCA to make a donation and get some snuggles.
Become a member of Lakers Car Club .
Annual fee is only $30.
Benefits are priceless.
Contact any member or
Ph. Matt at 250 267-6772
L to R Katelynn Morrey, Will Wright, Matt Kennedy, Sam Schellenberg, Jackie Potter, Marg Benner, Capt. Nathaniel Hoeft, Neil Benner, Wayne Lamothe, and Wayne Potter
The Lakers Car Club is truly about friends who happen to share similar interests. Our summer picnic was a great time to get togetherand swap stories.
A big thanks to Marg and Neil for their hard work and hospitality.
Dear Lakers Car Club
I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your generous donation towards the Horsin Around propram. Thanks to your support, the program was a huge success this year, offering children an incredible oppertunity to develop new skills and confidence through horse riding.
Your ongoing commitment to our work at the CDC makes a real difference in the lives of the children we serve. We are proud to have supporters like you who help us make such meaningful programs available.
Warm Regards
Kenza Lahlou
Community Engagement Coordinator
The Lakers are proud to be able to make a donation of $5,000 to the Daybreak Rotary to help their Starfish Program. This project provides healthy food to school children in Williams Lake, based on need. We thank our sponsors for their generous support of our fund raising raffle; Canadian Tire, WL Forestry Supplies, Cariboo Propane, and Cariboo Spring. Lakers members (L to R) Peggy Christianson, Jake Derksen, Andrea Phillips, Andrew Sandberg (Rotary President), Paul Christianson, and Rennie Johnson.
Saturday July 13 was the draw date for our Starfish Raffle. Making the draw for us, from Canadian Tire was manager Kateryna Nemiis (center).
Club members (L to R) Keith Jorimann, Neil Benner, Andrea Phillips, Jake Derksen, Wayne Lamothe, Sam Schellenberg, Josh Schellenberg, Marg Benner, and Steve Marlow
Thanks to :
Williams Lake Forestry Supply
Canadian Tire
Cariboo Auto & Spring
Cariboo Propane
1st Prize winner - Rick Chabot. Wicker Patio set
2nd Prize winner - Mike Hurczak. Pressure washer
3rd Prize winner - Maria Bornyk. Electric Winch
4th Prize winner - Alison Mann. Propane Firepit
At Lakers Car Club donated $1300 to the Williams Lake Blue Fins. The money was raised at the hotdog stand during our Spring Roundup Show and Shine. The swim club volunteered and did a great job cooking and selling gourmet quality hotdogs. A big thanks to everyone who helped.
(L to R) Neil Benner, Wayne Potter, Peggy Christianson, Braedi Hamar, Josh Schellenberg, Jordyn Stokes, Amanda Nemeth (coach), and Marg Benner.
Our Operation Red Nose team here with Chief Coordinator Deb Pickering. Thanks Deb for a well run and truly fun night with many rewarding experiences.
Paul Christianson, Wayne Potter, and Frank Ruyter.
Lakers Car Club
PO Box 4726
Williams Lake BC
V2G 2V7
Matt Kennedy - President
(250) 267-6772
Katelynn Morrey -Vice President
(604) 831-6194
Jackie Ruyter - Secretary
(250) 392-2858
Andrea Phillips- Treasurer
(250) 305-5242
Sam Schellenberg - Events Coordinator I
(250) 302-2859
Marg Benner - Events Coordinator II
(250) 296-3070