March 20 General Meeting at Central Cariboo Arts Centre
(old fire hall. 90 - 4th Ave N) 7:00 PM
March 27 Informal Meeting 7:00 PM Arts Centre
April 3 Informal Meeting 7:30 PM Arts Centre
April 10 Informal Meeting 7:00 PM Arts Centre
April 17 General Meeting 7:00 PM Arts Centre
April 24 Informal Meeting 7:30 PM Arts Centre
May 1 Informal Meeting 7:30 PM Arts Centre
May 8 Informal Meeting 7:00 PM Arts Centre
May 15 General Meeting 7:00 PM Arts Centre
In May the Lakers Car Club hosts its annual Spring Roundup which has become one of the premier show and shines in the Cariboo. Auto enthusiasts from all over the province gather on the streets of Williams Lake to show off their cherished set of wheels. The two-day event starts on Saturday with pre-registration, a poker run, cruise and dinner.
The followed day the show and shine happens in downtown Williams Lake on Sunday. There is something of interest for everyone including antiques, classics, hotrods, trucks, motorcycles and more. One class that receives a lot of attention that day is the stationary engines. Because they are functioning pieces of our history they catch the eye of those who remember them, as well as the younger inquisitive generation. The Lakers Car Club is an organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all kinds of automobiles. However, the club also has a strong sense of community which members see as a way of giving back to the many businesses of Williams Lake that support them. Members enjoy volunteering for good causes as well as helping out financially when they can. Another very obvious but important function of the club is the social aspect. By meeting people, working together and achieving together, members ultimately have fun together. Generally the club meets once a week for fun “get togethers” such as cruising to local hangouts or hosting smaller show and shines, such as events at Canadian Tire and A&W Restaurant. Summer is cruising time so whenever possible members attend other shows around the area from as near as 100 Mile House to as far as Seattle. This is an open club, which means anyone who shares an enthusiasm for things mechanical is welcome. Owning a vehicle is not a prerequisite for membership. Members are welcomed to the club regardless of their ability to contribute a little or a lot. The cost is $30 annually. The benefits are priceless.